Our fourth day of Heart & Skill was another great one! We had our very own Lindsey Yongo sharing about “Worship, Mission and the Miraculous.” She spoke about how the three are linked, and shared some of her personal experiences of seeing miracles whilst on Mission in a small African village -
stories highlighting the importance of faith and a reminder of the need for humility.
When God moves, it is our job to be nothing more than a vessel for Him. Obedient servants, giving ourselves as offerings for His will. “I never want my walk with Jesus, and my faith in God to take me to a place where I try to manipulate His Spirit to my own agenda.” Lindsey then brought it all together by relating this to our posture in worship. When the Spirit moves, we’re not there to bend Him to our will in that moment. Our job is to host Him and facilitate His purpose in whatever way we can. It was a great reminder of our responsibility in all areas of life to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and how our personal time in his presence should motivate us to give something out.
The rest of the day was filled with fellowship over lunch, followed by our breakout workshops (song-writing, guitar development, art, and band coordination) which saw more fruit and built on the previous sessions. These days very much operate as a training ground for people of various churches and circles, and it’s so great to see people leave fired up to apply what they’ve learnt from these sessions in different areas of their lives. We can’t wait for more!
Aaron Jenkins
Heart and Skill Ministries