Day three proved to be the day where things started to come together with regards to what the Father is speaking to us about this year as a group. We were joined, once again, by Mark and Simone Beswick from CLM church in Coventry, who brought such sensitive teaching and wisdom from their hearts. Mark shared a beautiful message about man being made for communion with God. Our purpose is to walk with him and praise him all the days of our lives – and he highlighted the importance of remaining in that truth even in our confusion and disappointment.
“It’s easy to praise him when things are going well. It takes strength and character to worship him when they aren’t. we need to repent of the times when our ‘wanting’ made us forget that he is God, and we are not.” – Mark Beswick
Psalm 23 quickly became the focal point of the day. As we worshiped together, there was this beautiful sense of openness and vulnerability in the room. As we sang “with every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God!”, there was a ‘letting go’ and an acknowledgment of the definitive truth in what Mark spoke on earlier.
Then, quite spontaneously so, we broke into different groups and prayed for each other in line with different verses from Psalm 23. We split depending on which verse resonated most in people’s spirits. It was a beautiful time of being able to stand with one another and align ourselves with the timeless truth of the words.
This same psalm has been the inspiration for multiple songs that are being crafted in these spaces too, and we’re excited to keep working on them when we join back together at the end of March
The Father is clearly reminding his children that his unwavering love and faithfulness should always be our rock. He’s our Good Shepherd now and forever, and he is worthy to be praised! As always, we’re excited for all that is still to come
Aaron Jenkins
Heart and Skill Ministries