I am a retired NHS nurse educator by profession, serving for 28 years in the health service. I am married to Matt and we have one son called Evan. We live in Barnsley South Yorkshire and I serve on the pastoral team of Hope Church Rotherham as pastor of pastoral care. In addition to this I give spiritual oversight to the worship team.
If you would like to contact me to chat about how I can serve you please feel free to get in touch!
Alison is a psalmist and shepherd who loves the Church deeply. Her knowledge and wealth of experience through working with church leaders and their teams, nationally and internationally, is very much appreciated here at Hope Church. I highly recommend Alison to you!
Alison has served me as a tutor on Worship Academy UK & It'l serving overseas including Romania, Portugal, USA & Ireland. Alison has what I believe to be rare gift of being pastoral and prophetic in equal measure. She excels as a worship leader and is a gifted songwriter!
I have had the privilege of knowing and working wih Alison for many years. She is not only a passionate follower of Jesus but a competent and anointed servant of Jesus. She brings her best in everything she does with an ambition to glorify the Lord, equipping followers of Jesus in their love, worship and service of Him. I commend her to you without hesitation.
Heart and Skill Ministries