What does our worship cost us? What does it take to come before him with
everything we have and pour it at his feet? Day 2 of Heart & Skill felt like it was
centered around this question. What does it cost? Our comfort? Our time? Our
control, maybe? Guest speaker Helen Yousaf challenged us with this question
as she shared her heart for worship and her experiences in pursuing obedience
to the Holy Spirit throughout her years of ministry.
“I love being care-free in His care, but I don’t want to be careless. I love to be child-like, but
not childish. There is a difference. We need to die to our adult selves, and become like
children again.” – Helen Yousaf
Walking with God requires us to die to ourselves over and over again. Dying to
our sin, dying to our agendas, dying to our shame… all so we can simply listen
to Him and obey. Quieten your mind, and pay attention. What is He saying to
you today?
God is moving in these spaces. As we built on what was started in September,
songs were written, progress was made in instrument learning, and comfort
zones were shattered, allowing people to express their worship to the Father
in freedom and confidence. It was a powerful, Spirit-filled day and we can’t
wait to come together again in January!
Could you remain quiet with Me for hours
Just watching the day move by
Or would you be constantly asking for words
For guidance and steps for life.
Would you be restless sat beside Me?
Thinking I should say something more
Or could you be simply satisfied
With my presence and nothing more.
Can your eyes not blur the line
Nor your heart comprehend
That just because of Majesty
You fail to see Me as a friend.
Why do you assume that formal prayers
And depth of study of My Words
Could ever replace that needed stillness
When only our breathing can be heard.
A moment of no expectations
No strings or presumptions attached
The gentle harmony of Creator and created
Resting in a solitude unmatched.
Yes, sovereignty is My Name
My ears ring with prayers to attend
But that doesn’t mean I don’t still long
To sit in silence with a friend. - Emma Harris
Heart and Skill Ministries